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Book Review: Bad Parts by Brandon McNulty (@McNultyFiction)


I love a crime thriller, and I love a supernatural thriller, too. Bad Parts by Brandon McNulty turned out to be a fantastic concoction of both. I hadn’t heard of Brandon McNulty before his novel caught my attention over on NetGalley, and I must admit that it’s not often I come across a novel of this genre, so this felt really exciting for me, to discover a new author and delve into a genre at the same time. The cover absolutely caught my attention and after a swift read of the blurb, I was sold. I couldn’t wait to begin and I Just had a feeling that this was a book I was going to click with instantly. I’m always drawn to the sinister, the strange and the unusual, and Bad Parts looked to be exactly that.

Bad Parts by Brandon McNulty introduces readers to a demon of a different brand. A demon who desires human body parts, bad human body parts, and in return, gives back a brand-new body part. So for example, if you’re blind, then the demon can exchange your bad eyes for a shiny new pair of eyes, but of course, an exchange such as this comes at a price. That price being that you cannot go any further than a certain point on the map of Hollow Hills, and that if you do, your ‘part’ will agonisingly disappear. Just like that. Poof! Gone.

Human beings can be greedy or, in some people’s instances, they can be desperate. Brandon McNulty certainly brings every example of human behaviour to the surface in Bad Parts, showcasing just how far people will go to get what they need. If you’ve ever read ‘Needful Things’ by Stephen King, then I’d definitely go so far as saying that Bad Parts had that sinister yet subtly playful vibe to it, the sort that readers are compelled by yet wary of. I really enjoyed the chilling undertones to this book, and really can’t compliment the author enough on his ability to crawl beneath the skin and chill their reader to the bone. There was a thick, cloying atmosphere to this novel that remained with me right the way through, and it added a whole heap of extra creepiness to the book that I absolutely welcomed with open arms.

Brandon McNulty’s characterisation within Bad Parts was fantastically executed and I thoroughly enjoyed being introduced to each of his characters and learning of their place in Hollow Hills and how each of them were linked to each other as the plot progressed and more of their separate histories were revealed to me. McNulty clearly has a great ability to bring his characters to life, so much so they’re practically leaping off the page to greet you and invite you into their story. There were a number of characters to meet and adventure alongside within Bad Parts, Ash being a particular favourite and standout character of mine. I loved her sassiness and fearlessness, and her unique journey throughout the novel was one I felt connected to. This is only due to the author’s capabilities in encouraging the reader to like and care about his characters. The remaining faces in this book were each lively and bold, and really struck a chord with me, all of them adding their own value to the story which unfolded.

I was fascinated by this idea. Brandon McNulty’s imagination is clearly the place to be, if ideas like this are what he is coming up with in the drawing room. It felt so fresh and new to me, to be reading something so different. I absolutely welcomed this dark and devious world into my life and loved every moment spent within the pages. It was a breath of putrid air and I found myself conjuring up all sorts of wild images when thinking of Hollow Hills, and how prominent the author managed to build this setting within my very own mind.

Bad Parts by Brandon McNulty was a wonderfully wicked and utterly enveloping book. With its dark, sinister and completely enchanting world, I thoroughly enjoyed this story and couldn’t wait to see where the author would take me, or his characters, next. If you’re a fan of books that are totally different and standout, ones which are rich in imagination and creativity, then this one could be one for you. Like a particularly treacherous fairy-tale, this will surely captivate and scare in equal measure.

With thanks to the publisher for the advanced reading copy of this book, that of which has no reflection on my providing a fair and honest review.

Read on to find out more about Bad Parts by Brandon McNulty.


A town divided. A demon made whole.

When rock guitarist Ash Hudson suffers a career-ending injury, she seeks out the only thing that can heal it – her hometown’s darkest secret.

For decades the residents of Hollow Hills, Pennsylvania, have offered their diseased and injured body parts to a creek demon named Snare. In return, Snare rewards its Traders with healthy replacement parts. There’s only one catch: if Traders leave town, their new parts vanish forever.

Ash wants a new hand, but living in Hollow Hills isn’t an option. Not when her band is one gig away from hitting the big time. Desperate, she bargains with Snare, promising to help the demon complete its organ collection in exchange for both a new hand and the freedom for everyone to leave town.

As her band’s show rapidly approaches, Ash teams up with her estranged father in a last-ditch effort to recruit new Traders. But not everyone trusts Snare’s offer, and Ash soon learns how far her neighbors will go to protect their precious parts.

With her family in danger and her band waiting, Ash must find a way to help Snare. But even if she succeeds, there’s no telling what Snare plans to do with everyone’s bad parts.


About the author

Brandon McNulty grew up loving monsters, demons, and the thrill of a great scare. Now he writes supernatural thrillers, horror, and other dark fiction. He is a graduate of Taos Toolbox Writers Workshop and a winner of both Pitch Wars and RevPit. He writes from Pennsylvania.

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